Class Notes:
FSA = Finite State Automaton
Unique model of mathematics
Uses shapes and lines to create a diagram
4 main conceptual points:
1 initial state
finite # of states
transitions will change the active state
at least one final state
If final state is reached, then the FSA accepts the data
Diagram of FSA
Circles → states of the FSA
Initial state → arrow facing towards it vertically
Final state → double circle
Transitions → lines between the circles
Rules of Regular Expressions
An empty/null string is considered a regular expression
If ‘a’ is within the given input, then it is considered a regular expression
If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are both regular expressions:
Concatenation: ab
Union a|b
Closure: a*
Parentheses can be used to create sub groups
Order of operations: * > Concatenation > Union
I realize that this is a very cheesable assignment, but I ask that you try