Evaluate this postfix expression if a=3, b=-2, and c=5: a b - c / b ^ a - c 2 a * 3 b * - * +
Define a%b to be 3a+7b, evaluate this prefix expression: % - + 3 1 % 3 4 / 6 + 1 + 1 1
Define a#b to be the maximum of a/b and b/a, and a!b to be 2a-b, evaluate this postfix expression: 6 3 ! 2 1 / + 3 - 9 3 # 2 - + 8 8 2 + + #
Digital electronics:
Rectangle takes in 3 inputs and is true if exactly 1 input is true. Oval takes in 3 inputs and is true if all 3 inputs are true. How many ordered quadruples make the following circuit false?

2. Square takes in 3 inputs and is true if no inputs are true. X takes in 3 inputs and is false if exactly 2 inputs are true. How many ordered quadruples make the following circuit true?

*you noobs need to turn in homework (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Digital electronics:
work in progress rip