Today, we learned about Recursive Functions, functions that loop repeatedly. Hey you, you're finally awake. Comment your answers on this post. If you need any sort of help, I'll answer.20192020 IN
Answer Key:
idk :/
The first one (#3) is 6
The second one (#4) is 7
??? :|??????
oh wait i got 4 wrong it has to be more than 200 mb
3. 4 ? cuz i got f(4) = 4.. :"DD probably wrong
4. I got 3 -> you don't know the other functions ex f(3) so don't you have to make it f(2) and f(1) ???
3. f(f(f(f(-5)))): Answer: 6 4. Find the smallest value of n such that f(n) > 200 Answer: 6 Note: I don't know if there was a more efficient way to do it, because I did it in O(n) time