Hello everyone,
Today we reviewed topics about 2D arrays and some example problems on Kahoot, with some programming questions. The 2D array is probably the most important topic in programming in general and is always used. It is extremely important to understand the basics of 2D arrays in computer science.
This week's homework: https://forms.gle/eqUvdCSgB22YgSj46
Class feedback form: https://forms.gle/L3PVjyzWxtEuL6q67
All slides/recordings/homeworks: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dY_nmHZqfedv-Be86mvNavp8quNvjAwP
Large Question Bank: https://www.lol-101.com/classrooms/java-question-bank/if-else-and-nested-if-else-exercises
Office hours: Fridays 7-8:30pm PST - https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8615445674?pwd=ZGJGZU1GVjJSQkxxVlpiTXFCTWpWdz09