My project is called : 3rd Grade Multiplication. Here is all about it:
1. My project is a quiz
2. There is 30 questions , 3rd grade , also , there is 3 level.
3. There is 2 characters : a bell , and a chick , because my project is a quiz.
4. The bell plays the xylophone sound , the chick asks the quiz's questions , the backdrop changes into a gif to congrats you on the quiz and at the end of every level if you got it all correct , but if you got the score less than 7 , then it will say "Knew you could get to the end of this level ! But try harder next time! " and if you get the math questions all correct , then , the "correct" variable will increase by 1 , but if you get a question wrong then the "correct" variable is going to increase by 0.
5. If they get all multiplication correct then there will be a gif at the end to congrats them on their knowledge
The project plan:
Monday: finalize this design journal
Tuesday: add a level (but don't have to finish).
Wednesday: finish the level I started on Tuesday.
Thursday: finish one whole level.
Friday: Test and demo my project to the group and share it on Scratch website.
level 3
have to finish today
tomorrow share project to my friend and my daddy
timing on level 2
gif for end of level 2
There are 3 levels
There are 30 questions
Slytherin , Gryffindor , Ravenclaw , and Hufflepuff (Nonesence)